Truck crane operation control

State-of-the-art control system for the hydraulics of a truck crane includes electronic joysticks and STRIM control modules. The system implements the performance of truck crane operating such as extension, platform rotation, load lifting and engine speed control via CAN bus.
Electronic joysticks smoothly adjust the speed of operations. The system kit includes radio remote control modules. Built-in diagnostic feautures simplify system maintenance. The service kit allows to remote configuration and maintainence of the system by STRIM specialists.
structure of the Truck
crane working equipment
control system

Basic set
Additional equipment
the control system capabilities
remote monitoring and tuning
The control system can be optionally equipped with BARS-2020 module allowing for the data collecting on the state of critical nodes of the crane and the control system. The collected data can be directly processed by our specialists for the future diagnostic and repair procedures.