USB-CAN Converter Kit

The USB-CAN Converter kit includes: USB-CAN converter module, USB cable, set of harnesses, and bundled software. The converter is designed to connect CAN devices to a PC or a laptop running Windows via USB interface for monitoring and programming purposes.
The converter kit allows to check the status of the CAN bus, process and store CAN messages, as well as transmit messages in real time. Compatible with all electronic modules manufactured by STRIM.
CAN bus process architecture

CAN bus process architecture

CAN interface:
- Supports standard and extended identifiers (11- and 29-bit identifiers).
- Data transfer rate up to 1 Mbit/s.
- DB-9, OBD, Deutsch DT-04 3P, DT-04 3S, EP10 connectors are supported.
USB interface
- USB B type connector.
- Compatible with USB 1.1.
The converter is powered from the computer USB port (+5 V). The converter circuitry provides electrical isolation between the USB and CAN bus (up to 1000 V).
Dimensions 100 ✕ 70 ✕ 27 mm.
The converter remains functional when exposed to the following factors:
- Ambient temperature – 0…+70°C.
- Humidity at 25°C – 80%.
- Pressure – 84…107 kPa.
Reliability metrics:
- Average MTBF – at least 10,000 hours.
- Service life of the device – 10 years.
Software features
- Sending messages with a period of 100 ms;
- Receiving messages on the bus with a period of 100 µs;
- Display of CAN ID in hexadecimal format;
- Displaying of the CAN bus status;
- Displaying CAN bus load in %
- Write and read the log file of messages transmitted and received;
- Selection of baud rate;
- Representation of data in ASCII format, as well as hexadecimal, decimal, and binary;
- Representation of 1, 2, and 4 byte data;
- Allows to change the byte order (endian – from high or low) of the data;
- Real tome plotting of recorded data;
- Data export to Matlab/Octave.